pone.0259558.g003.tif (447.29 kB)

The percentages of genes with largely changed expression after AdNKX2-1 infection.

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posted on 2021-11-08, 18:26 authored by Yuko Ito, Fumihiko Furuya, Katsumi Taki, Hideaki Suzuki, Hiroki Shimura

The percentage of genes whose ratio of expression in the AdNKX2-1-infected cells to that in the AdLacZ-infected cells was (A) twice or higher and (B) 0.5-fold or lower in GeneChip analyses 6, 12, and 24 h after 100 MOI adenoviral vector infection. A total of 54,613 transcripts were analyzed. Data with statistically insignificant changes were excluded from the analysis.
