pgen.1009441.g006.tif (5 MB)

The number of mGE-derived cIN is reduced in Nkx2.1-cKO mice.

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posted on 2021-03-19, 17:36 authored by Sathish Venkataramanappa, Dagmar Schütz, Friederike Saaber, Praveen Ashok Kumar, Philipp Abe, Stefan Schulz, Ralf Stumm

(A-F) Images and graphs compare Nkx2.1-cKO (cKO) mice and control (ctrl) littermates at E14.5 (a.-c.) and P0 (d.-f.). Mice carried a Rosa26CAG-LSL-tdT allele. (A) Confocal images demonstrate tdT+ cells in the telencephalon at rostral and caudal sectional plains as indicated. Note reduced number of tdT+ cells in the cortex of the cKO. (B) High magnifications of the neocortex demonstrate that the layering of tdT+ cells in the MZ, SP, and SVZ/ IZ is preserved in cKO mice. The graph shows the number of tdT+ cells per bin for the neocortex as mean+SEM. Bin 1 corresponds to the MZ and bin 10 to the VZ. The arrowhead in (a.) identifies the neocortical area assessed in (b.). (C) The graph compares the number of tdT+ cells present in the MZ (bin 1) and SVZ/ lower IZ (bins 5+6+7) of cKO mice; data correspond to those in (b.). Values are presented as mean+SEM after normalization with the control mean. Note that the cell number is reduced to a similar extent in the MZ and SVZ/ IZ. (D) tdT signal in the M1 region of the neocortex at P0. (E) GAD immunofluorescence in the M1 region of the P0 neocortex. (F) Scatter plots show the densities of tdT+ and of tdT+ GAD+ cells in the M1 region of the neocortex as percentage of the control mean. Circles and triangles represent individual mice, horizontal lines represent the median. Measurements and statistics are summarized in S1F Table. Abbreviations: DP and MP, dorsal and medial pallium; GE, ganglionic eminence. Scale bars: 220 μm (a.), 25 μm (b.), 110 (d.), 6 μm (e.).
