pone.0236497.g002.tif (225.07 kB)

The neurocognitive comparator mechanism and our working hypothesis.

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posted on 2020-08-12, 17:28 authored by Seito Matsubara, Sohei Wakisaka, Kazuma Aoyama, Katie Seaborn, Atsushi Hiyama, Masahiko Inami

(a) A simple illustration of the neurocognitive comparator mechanism with sensing and actuation (based on [7]). A forward model makes predicted sensory feedback based on an efference copy, which is an internal copy of a movement-producing signal. The comparison between predictions and actual sensory feedback results in either a sensory match or a discrepancy. A sensory discrepancy between the predicted and actual sensory feedback results in a lack of SoA and accordingly creates disturbances in motor control. The blue arrows represent external sensing processes and the red arrow represents an actuation process. Where sensing occurs on this pathway depends on the sensing method, i.e., (i) electroencephalogram, (ii) electromyogram, (iii) accelerometer. Brain activity-based sensing is earliest, followed by muscle activity sensing and then motion sensing. (b) Illustration of our working hypothesis.
