pntd.0009806.g001.tif (295.4 kB)

The lower basin of the Senegal River, where parasitological, socio-economic, and ecological data were collected from 821 school-aged children in 411 households and 24 water access points in 13 villages.

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posted on 2021-10-05, 17:31 authored by Andrea J. Lund, Susanne H. Sokolow, Isabel J. Jones, Chelsea L. Wood, Sofia Ali, Andrew Chamberlin, Alioune Badara Sy, M. Moustapha Sam, Nicolas Jouanard, Anne-Marie Schacht, Simon Senghor, Assane Fall, Raphael Ndione, Gilles Riveau, Giulio A. De Leo, David López-Carr

Three villages (shown in white circles) were excluded from this analysis because they were sites of a vegetation removal intervention in 2017 that may have affected hazard indices.
