pone.0253029.g004.tif (1.61 MB)

The list of antibody signals against historically reported α-Gal and non-α-Gal carbohydrate antigens in IgM and IgG repertoires.

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posted on 2021-06-17, 17:28 authored by Yoshihide Nanno, Eric Sterner, Jeffrey C. Gildersleeve, Bernhard J. Hering, Christopher Burlak

The α-Gal antigens include carbohydrate structures with Galα1-3Gal epitope. The non-α-Gal antigens include carbohydrate structures with Sda and Neu5Gc epitopes. The number after the abbreviation indicates the average number of carbohydrates per molecule of albumin. An antibody signal that is significantly increased (the changes of normalized signal intensity ≥1.5) in the posttransplant serum is marked with an asterisk.
