pone.0297493.g009.tif (662.55 kB)

The interactions of TMP and PLU (N = 3), indicate indifference between the two agents.

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posted on 2024-01-26, 18:35 authored by Songtao Bie, Qiuyue Mo, Chen Shi, Hui Yuan, Chunshuang Li, Tong Wu, Wenlong Li, Heshui Yu

(A) Single-agent dose-response curve for TMP; (B) Single-agent dose-response curve for PLU; (C) The interaction landscape of the combinations of TMP and PLU; (D) Synergy scores were calculated by the Bliss independence model and were colored when significant. A detailed description of the various plots is given in Fig 4. Raw data of these experiments can be found in (S2 File). TMP: trimethoprim, PLU: plumbagin.
