pone.0296925.g003.tif (4.28 MB)

The immunohistochemical staining using antibodies against PTPN2, PTPN13, DHCR24 (Seladin), and PIK3R2 in representative gingival biopsies from the HH, HP, DH, and DP groups.

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posted on 2024-01-19, 18:51 authored by Poliana Mendes Duarte, Bruno César de Vasconcelos Gurgel, Tamires Szeremeske Miranda, Juliana Sardenberg, Tongjun Gu, Ikramuddin Aukhil

Bar length = 50 μm, original magnification × 20. HH: non-diabetic patients without periodontitis; HP: non-diabetic patients with periodontitis; DH: T2DM patients without periodontitis; DP: T2DM patients with periodontitis.
