ppat.1009355.s004.tif (1.16 MB)

The Cgpst2Δyps1Δ mutant exhibited no NADH:quinone oxidoreductase activity.

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posted on 2021-02-26, 12:51 authored by Anamika Battu, Rajaram Purushotham, Partha Dey, S. Surya Vamshi, Rupinder Kaur

NADH:quinone oxidoreductase activity measurement in extracts of wt, Cgyps1Δ, Cgpst2Δ and Cgpst2Δyps1Δ strains. Data represent mean ± SEM. Grouped multiple t-test was performed, with n = 3. Black and blue asterisks indicate statistically significant activity differences in wt strain, compared to Cgpst2Δ and Cgpst2Δyps1Δ strains, respectively. Brown and orange asterisks indicate statistically significant activity differences in Cgyps1Δ mutant compared to Cgpst2Δ and Cgpst2Δyps1Δ mutants, respectively. *, p < 0.0332; **, p < 0.0021; ***, p < 0.0002.

