pcbi.1008647.g003.tif (1.37 MB)

The iModulon structure is conserved across five datasets.

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posted on 2021-02-02, 18:44 authored by Anand V. Sastry, Alyssa Hu, David Heckmann, Saugat Poudel, Erol Kavvas, Bernhard O. Palsson

(A) Reciprocal best hit (RBH) graph indicating iModulons as nodes and RBHs as edges. Node color indicates the source dataset for the iModulon, as denoted for the CysB iModulon. Node shape indicates the iModulon category. Edge thickness and darkness indicate the gene weighting similarity. Clusters are labelled with the regulator(s) that are linked to the iModulons in the cluster, if available, and grouped by level of iModulon reproducibility. (B) Pie chart describing the categories of all iModulons shown in the RBH graph. (C) Pie chart describing the types of edges in the RBH graph. (D) Heatmap indicating how many iModulons from each dataset and category were in the RBH graph.
