pone.0246763.s001.tif (137.63 kB)

The expression patterns of TaAAP2, TaAAP13, and TaAAP21 in wheat organs by RNA-seq.

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posted on 2021-02-19, 18:37 authored by Yongfang Wan, Yan Wang, Zhiqiang Shi, Doris Rentsch, Jane L. Ward, Kirsty Hassall, Caroline A. Sparks, Alison K. Huttly, Peter Buchner, Stephen Powers, Peter R. Shewry, Malcolm J. Hawkesford

The TaAAP2, TaAAP13, and TaAAP21 expression patterns in different organs of Chinese Spring by RNA-seq at leaf, root, stem, spike and grains (Z71, 2DPA, Z75, 14DA, Z85, 30DPA). The expression unit was expressed as FPKM (frequency per kilobase million).

