pone.0255480.g001.tif (187.34 kB)

The expression of miR-29a and FOS mRNA in the nasal tissues from AR patients and healthy controls.

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posted on 2021-08-12, 19:09 authored by Yuqin Fan, Zhiyuan Tang, Jie Sun, Xiaorui Zhao, Zhen Li, Yiqing Zheng, Xianhai Zeng, Juan Feng

(A-B) The expression of miR-29a and FOS mRNA in the nasal tissues from AR patients and healthy controls was analyzed by PCR; (C) the correlation in the expression between miR-29a and FOS mRNA was analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis; (D) FOS protein expression in the nasal tissues from AR patients and healthy controls was analyzed by western Blot. *p<0.05.
