pone.0249664.g002.tif (515.65 kB)

The effects of prenatal exposure characteristics on birth outcomes (BW, BL, GA) with FFGC as a mediating latent variable (Model 2) BW-Birthweight; BL-Birth Length; GA- Gestational Age; NOx- Oxides of Nitrogen; GWG- Gestational Weight Gain; BMIT1- Pre-gestational body mass index; and Mage- maternal age.

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posted on 2021-04-27, 17:31 authored by Aweke A. Mitku, Temesgen Zewotir, Delia North, Prakash Jeena, Rajen N. Naidoo

Latent variables: dietary factors (EFSF- energy foods and snacks; FFSF-spreads and fast foods; JFF- junk foods factor; PRFF-protein-rich foods; SFF- starch foods; NRFF-nuts and rice foods; VRFF-vegetable-rich foods; and ADF-alcoholic drinks); PhyEx- physical exercise; PSmoker- passive smoker; LSES -low socio-economic status, Linc- Low income; PLEduc- primary or less education; LSEH-Low socio-economic housing; Unemp- unemployed.
