pone.0262695.s001.jpg (17.27 kB)

The effect of thrombolysis on GPVI expression and P-selectin exposure.

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posted on 2022-01-18, 18:33 authored by Isuru Induruwa, Harriet McKinney, Carly Kempster, Patrick Thomas, Joana Batista, Jean-Daniel Malcor, Arkadiusz Bonna, Joanne McGee, Elaine Bumanlag-Amis, Karola Rehnstrom, Sophie Ashford, Kenji Soejima, Willem Ouwehand, Richard Farndale, Kate Downes, Elizabeth Warburton, Masaaki Moroi, Stephanie Jung

A) No significant differences were observed in GPVI expression between stroke patients who were thrombolyzed (n = 50) and those who were not (n = 79). B) Similarly, no significant differences were seen in GPVI expression if the blood was sampled pre- or post-thrombolysis. P-values were calculated using an unpaired t-test and the error bars represent the mean MFI of each of the cohorts ± SD. MFI = mean fluorescence intensity, ns = not significant. tPA = thrombolysis.

