Fig 1.TIF (573.59 kB)

The effect of the presence of native frog tadpoles on survival, growth and development of tadpoles of the invasive cane toad, as measured 20 days after experimental exposure.

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posted on 2016-06-02, 03:30 authored by Takashi Haramura, Hirohiko Takeuchi, Michael R. Crossland, Richard Shine

The treatments comprised 10, 20 or 40 cane toad tadpoles, or 10 cane toad tadpoles plus 10 of either microhylid, rhacophorid or dicroglossid tadpoles. The panels show impacts on (a) survival rate, (b) body length, (c) body mass, and (d) developmental stage (Gosner 1960). The graphs show mean values (based on 6 replicate containers per treatment) with associated standard errors. Mi = microhylid, Rh = rhacophorid; Di = dicroglossid tadpoles.
