pbio.3002504.s003.tif (5.87 MB)

The deterioration of T1 neurons during ageing is independent of temperature and marker expression.

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posted on 2024-03-13, 17:42 authored by Pilar Okenve-Ramos, Rory Gosling, Monika Chojnowska-Monga, Kriti Gupta, Samuel Shields, Haifa Alhadyian, Ceryce Collie, Emilia Gregory, Natalia Sanchez-Soriano

(A–D) T1 axons (top) and synaptic terminals (bottom) in the medulla of flies labelled with the plasma membrane marker myr-Tom (myr) using the UAS/Gal4/Gal80ts system. Gene expression is induced by the shift of temperature from 18°C to 29°C. Flies were kept at 18°C throughout development and adult life until the last 4 days before imaging, at which point they were shifted to 29°C to induce myr-Tomato gene expression. Young specimens (A and C; 4–7 days old flies with 0–3 days at 18°C “Off” + 4 days at 29°C “On”) are compared to old specimens (B and D; 57–60 days old flies with 53–56 days at 18°C “Off” + 4 at 29°C “On”). In aged specimens, axons show thinning (arrowheads) and swellings (asterisks), whereas synaptic terminals appear swollen and broken down (arrows and dashed blue box shown as 3-fold magnified image in the inset below). (E) Quantifications of phenotypes shown in A–D, with young versus old indicated on the X-axes. In the top 2 graphs, data points are shown in blue and as mean bars ± SEM (p-values obtained via Mann–Whitney test are indicated above). For terminal morphology, data are shown as distribution of normal versus swollen/broken synapses (significance obtained via Chi-square test indicated above). Data were taken from a minimum of 5 specimens per age group. For detailed statistical values and genotypes, see Table C within the S1 Tables. All the single values are provided in the S1 Datapoints. Scale bar in A represents 20 μm in all images.

