pone.0279727.g002.tif (2.7 MB)

The continuous release of N-CWS from N-CWS TH hydrogel in vivo and vitro.

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posted on 2022-12-30, 18:56 authored by Jian Wang, Bingkun Zhao, Lili Sun, Liqun Jiang, Qiang Li, Peisheng Jin

Three-dimensional structure and safety of hydrogel A,B) The microstructure and safety of TH-hydrogel with/without N-CWS. The red arrow indicates the loaded N-CWS. Scale bar = 100 μm and Scale bar = 50 μm; C-F) The survival rate of HUVEC cells (C,E) and fibroblast cells (D,F) treated with/without N-CWS and TH using PI/annexin V-FITC staining and statistical results of early apoptosis rate. (n. s, nonsignificant).
