pone.0246763.s004.tif (152.46 kB)

The agronomic traits of the RNAi lines (SE-1R, SE-9R, SE-10R), Nulls (SE-3N, SE-11N), and non-transgenic line (SE-24WT).

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posted on 2021-02-19, 18:38 authored by Yongfang Wan, Yan Wang, Zhiqiang Shi, Doris Rentsch, Jane L. Ward, Kirsty Hassall, Caroline A. Sparks, Alison K. Huttly, Peter Buchner, Stephen Powers, Peter R. Shewry, Malcolm J. Hawkesford

(a), Grain number per plant. (b), 1000 grain weight (g) at 15% moisture. (c), Biomass for above ground vegetative tissue (g) per plant. (d), Grain yield (g) per plant. (e), Grain areas. There is no statistically significant difference between transgenic lines and nulls except SE-10R and SE-11N in grain area. Significant differences were detected using ANOVA (P<0.05, F-test).

