pone.0291376.s002.tif (256.4 kB)

The HPLC chromatograms of D. huoshanense sample W2-2 (S) and mixed standards (R) and the UV spectra of three standards: L1, L5 and L6.

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posted on 2024-01-25, 18:29 authored by Li Hu, Shiwen Wang, Lin Zhang, Liangliang Shang, Ruiye Zong, Jinyan Li, Zhanghua Wu, Yuanjun Meng, Yafeng Dai, Yuechun Huang, Gang Wei

The HPLC chromatograms of D. huoshanense sample W2-2 (S) and mixed standards (R) and the UV spectra of three standards: L1, L5 and L6.
