pgen.1009744.s002.tiff (1.11 MB)

The HMR complex components BOH1 and BOH2 largely colocalize with HMR in proximity to centromeres and HP1a domains (related to Fig 1).

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posted on 2021-08-23, 17:29 authored by Andrea Lukacs, Andreas W. Thomae, Peter Krueger, Tamas Schauer, Anuroop V. Venkatasubramani, Natalia Y. Kochanova, Wasim Aftab, Rupam Choudhury, Ignasi Forne, Axel Imhof

(A) BOH1 and BOH2 colocalize with HMR and CID in SL2 cells. Immunofluorescence images of cells expressing FLAG-HA-BOH2 (upper panel) or FLAG-HA-BOH1 (lower panel) showing the co-staining of HA-BOH2 or HA-BOH1, respectively, with CENP-A (centromeres) and HMR. (B) BOH1 and BOH2 colocalize with HP1a and CID in SL2 cells. Immunofluorescence images of cells expressing FLAG-HA-BOH2 (upper panel) or FLAG-HA-BOH1 (lower panel) showing the co-staining of HA-BOH2 or HA-BOH1, respectively, with CID (centromeres) and HP1a (pericentromeric chromatin). For (A) and (B) size bar indicates 3 μm, DAPI staining indicates nuclei.

