ppat.1009397.g005.tif (1.06 MB)

Tessellation of Senegal based on the position of mobility network nodes using the InfoMap algorithm.

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posted on 2021-03-18, 18:11 authored by Arnaud Bataille, Habib Salami, Ismaila Seck, Modou Moustapha Lo, Aminata Ba, Mariame Diop, Baba Sall, Coumba Faye, Mbargou Lo, Lanceï Kaba, Youssouf Sidime, Mohamed Keyra, Alpha Oumar Sily Diallo, Mamadou Niang, Cheick Abou Kounta Sidibe, Amadou Sery, Martin Dakouo, Ahmed Bezeid El Mamy, Ahmed Salem El Arbi, Yahya Barry, Ekaterina Isselmou, Habiboullah Habiboullah, Abdellahi Salem Lella, Baba Doumbia, Mohamed Baba Gueya, Caroline Coste, Cécile Squarzoni Diaw, Olivier Kwiatek, Geneviève Libeau, Andrea Apolloni

Each polygon, centred around nodes of the network, is coloured based on the community it has been associated with (also labelled with an id number in the legend). Only communities where at least one PPRV strain has been detected are shown in colours. Icons indicate different PPRV genetic clades based on results of the phylogenetic analyses. This figure visualizes if spatial structure is present in our network, using the community algorithm InfoMap, with different weights for the links: Basic, no weight; Frequency, the number of times the link was active; Volume, cumulative volume of animals exchanged in a year; Brockmann, using the effective Brockmann distance (see main text). The base layer for the map used in the figure was obtained at
