pone.0246627.g003.tif (231.23 kB)

Temporal variation in eosinophil and eosinophil-derived neurotoxin levels.

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posted on 2021-02-10, 18:42 authored by Bert Rutten, Simon Young, Magdalena Rhedin, Marita Olsson, Nisha Kurian, Farhat Syed, Augusta Beech, Mark Fidock, Paul Newbold, Dave Singh, Adam Platt, Glen Hughes

An EOS or EDN ratio of 1.00 indicates there is no difference in mean between that timepoint and the mean level at 12:00h for (A) blood eosinophils (B) serum EDN for (▲) healthy (n = 10) and (●) mild/moderate asthma subjects (n = 20). Group means are shown with 95% CI.
