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Temperature sensitivities of ventilation and circulation rates estimated from published experimental data.

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posted on 2024-01-16, 18:28 authored by Martin-Georg A. Endress, Justin L. Penn, Thomas H. Boag, Benjamin P. Burford, Erik A. Sperling, Curtis A. Deutsch

(A) The estimates (blue, n = 58 from 35 species) fall between the theoretical prediction for the sensitivity of diffusion (vertical orange line) and published estimates for the sensitivity of metabolic rates (n = 186 species; data from [7]) on average but with significant overlap, indicating the widespread potential for thermal optima in Pcrit. Lines show kernel density estimates of the trait frequency distributions. (B) Example for the estimation of EV from published data across the full inhabited temperature range of the polychaete worm Nereis succinea (solid black; [33]) as well as under cold and warm conditions only (blue dashed and red dotted lines, respectively). (C) Estimated temperature sensitivities EV, EC of volumetric ventilation and circulation rates from published data under cold (blue) and warm (red) conditions as illustrated in panel (B). The data underlying panels (A) and (C) can be found in S1 Data. The data underlying panel (B) can be found in [33].
