ppat.1009197.g001.tif (735.53 kB)

TcdB variants have different receptor preference in HeLa cells.

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posted on 2021-01-28, 18:27 authored by Zhenrui Pan, Yuanyuan Zhang, Jianhua Luo, Danyang Li, Yao Zhou, Liuqing He, Qi Yang, Min Dong, Liang Tao

(A-D) The sensitivities of HeLa wildtype (WT), FZD1/2/7–/–, and CSPG4–/–cells to TcdB1 (A), TcdB2 (B), TcdB3 (C), and TcdB4 (D) were measured using the cytopathic cell-rounding experiments (n = 6). (E) The change of toxin resistance in different cell lines was quantified and normalized to the WT. Error bars indicate mean ± standard deviation. (n = 6, *P<0.001, n.s. = not significant, versus the WT, student’s t-test.).
