pone.0271707.g005.tif (2.1 MB)

Tau pathology present after treatment with exogenous nApoE41-151 fragment in 72 hpf zebrafish brain.

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posted on 2022-12-15, 18:55 authored by Madyson M. McCarthy, Makenna J. Hardy, Saylor E. Leising, Alex M. LaFollette, Erica S. Stewart, Amelia S. Cogan, Tanya Sanghal, Katie Matteo, Jonathon C. Reeck, Julia T. Oxford, Troy T. Rohn

Representative 40X images from confocal immunofluorescence in 5 mm paraffin embedded sections of non-treated control 72 hpf zebrafish (A-D), nApoE31-151-treated at 25 μg/ml (E-H), or nApoE41-151-treated at 25 μg/ml (I-L). Strong PHF-1 labeling was only observed following treatment with nApoE41-151 (I-L). Panel K depicts a separate, representative merged image following treatment with nApoE41-151. In this case, at high magnification the fibrillar nature of PHF-1 labeling was apparent. All scale bars represent 50 μm. Data are representative of three independent experiments.
