pone.0245917.g001.tif (275.6 kB)

T cells from huCD3εHET and huCD3εHOM mice express OKT3 binding site.

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posted on 2021-02-17, 18:34 authored by Joel Crespo, Yi Ting Koh, Ningjie Hu, Paul A. Moore, Ezio Bonvini, Andrew L. Glasebrook, Andrea P. Martin, Robert J. Benschop

(A) Amino acid alignment of corresponding human and mouse CD3e exons. Arrows indicate residues that have been shown to be necessary for OKT3 binding [17]. Mouse exon 5 was replaced with a humanized exon 5 (top line) to generate huCD3εHET or huCD3εHOM mice. (B) Representative flow cytometry plots of mouse splenocytes (gated on scatter profile, PI exclusion, and CD5) using antibodies specific for human (OKT3) or mouse (145-2C11) CD3ε, comparing WT, huCD3εHET, and huCD3εHOM mice. (C) Absolute T cell numbers across each genotype. n = 5–13, p<0.05. (D-F) Representative flow cytometry plots showing the frequency of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells (D), summarized frequencies (E), and absolute cell numbers (F) obtained from spleens of 6-8-week old mice from each genotype. Cells are gated on scatter profile and PI exclusion. (G) CD4:CD8 T cell number ratio from spleens. n = 13–15, *p<0.05.
