ppat.1009165.g005.tif (3.36 MB)

TAU-2230 epitope prediction using phage-displayed affinity purified peptides and RBD mutagenesis.

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posted on 2021-02-11, 18:28 authored by Michael Mor, Michal Werbner, Joel Alter, Modi Safra, Elad Chomsky, Jamie C. Lee, Smadar Hada-Neeman, Ksenia Polonsky, Cameron J. Nowell, Alex E. Clark, Anna Roitburd-Berman, Noam Ben-Shalom, Michal Navon, Dor Rafael, Hila Sharim, Evgeny Kiner, Eric R. Griffis, Jonathan M. Gershoni, Oren Kobiler, Sandra Lawrynowicz Leibel, Oren Zimhony, Aaron F. Carlin, Gur Yaari, Moshe Dessau, Meital Gal-Tanamy, David Hagin, Ben A. Croker, Natalia T. Freund

(A) Left panel: AUC binding in ELISA of the 16 affinity-selected phage-displayed peptides to mAb TAU-2230. Fth-1 serves as a negative control (a phage that does not display an insert peptide). The symbols of the peptides are shown in the right panel. Right panel: amino acid sequences of 16 phage-displayed affinity purified peptides. Common GSLR/K motif is marked in red. The peptides were used as input for the Mapitope algorithm [32]. (B) Predicted TAU-2230 epitope. Left panel: ACE2:RBD complex, PDB ID 6M0J [4]. SARS-CoV-2 RBD is depicted in gray surface representation, while ACE2 is in yellow cartoon representation. The TAU-2230 predicted contact residues are shown in magenta. Middle and right panels: magnified view of the ACE2:RBD interface from two angles, the predicted TAU-2230 epitope is shown in magenta on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 RBD. The residues that are both ACE2 and predicted TAU-2230 contacts are in red. (C) The effect of RBD point mutations on ACE2bs nAbs binding in ELISA (AUC, y axis). The amino acid substitutions that were introduced in SARS-CoV-2 RBD are indicated on the bottom. RBD wild-type is shown. The color-code for the different nAbs is shown on the right. (D) Heatmap summarizing antibody binding to mutated RBD, as well as wild-type RBD. Values for each construct are normalized to mAb TAU-1109.
