pone.0294976.g001.tif (1.57 MB)

T1w, T2w, DWI and ADC maps of 4 representative patients with germ cell tumors.

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posted on 2023-11-30, 19:03 authored by Carlos Eduardo Bezerra Cavalcante, Fernanda Magalhães Pereira Souza, Gisele Eiras Martins, Marcelo Milone Silva, Carla Renata Pacheco Donato Macedo, Henrique Lederman, Luiz Fernando Lopes

Hypersignal areas are observed in the diffusion sequence (DWI) showing correlation with areas of signal loss on the ADC map (ADC) denoting restricted movement of water molecules and high cellularity. The red box corresponds to the zoomed area represented in the ROI column. The red circle represents the ROI, and the white box represents the measured mADC value. ROI: region of interest.
