pone.0253912.g003.tif (94.79 kB)

Survival curve of PKCδ KO mice (Kaplan-Meier plots).

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posted on 2021-07-01, 17:36 authored by Yuko S. Niino, Ikuo Kawashima, Yoshinobu Iguchi, Hiroaki Kanda, Kiyoshi Ogura, Kaoru Mita-Yoshida, Tomio Ono, Maya Yamazaki, Kenji Sakimura, Satomi Yogosawa, Kiyotsugu Yoshida, Seiji Shioda, Takaya Gotoh

PKCδ He mice were spontaneously bred, the genotypes of the offsprings were determined, and their survival was monitored. KO mice (all nine KO mice) were observed until all mice died, whereas WT and He mice were euthanized at 52 weeks of age. Therefore, the study by Yuan et al. [31] is cited as supplementary data for WT and is indicated by the dashed arrow.
