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Supplementary Figure S4

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posted on 2021-04-06, 07:47 authored by Vladislav BiriukovVladislav Biriukov, Igor N. Pavlov, Yulia A. Litovka, Natalia V. Oreshkova, Vadim V. Sharov, Evgeniy SimonovEvgeniy Simonov, Dmitry A. Kuzmin, Konstantin V. Krutovsky
Bayes consensus tree based on the concatenated nucleotide sequences of four genes. The tree is rooted to Nectriopsis rexiana (Nectriopsis exigua G.J.S. 98-32 in the NCBI GenBank). Values at branches indicate Bayesian posterior probabilities. Taxa names are given according to the current names indicated in the Mycobank database, while strain identifiers correspond to the GenBank entries.
