ppat.1009543.s003.tif (5.27 MB)

Superposition of the V2 and V1V2 regions from the crystal structures with the 16055 NFL structure reveals additional contact residues for each mAbs.

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posted on 2021-09-24, 17:38 authored by Safia S. Aljedani, Tyler J. Liban, Karen Tran, Ganesh Phad, Suruchi Singh, Viktoriya Dubrovskaya, Pradeepa Pushparaj, Paola Martinez-Murillo, Justas Rodarte, Alex Mileant, Vidya Mangala Prasad, Rachel Kinzelman, Sijy O’Dell, John R. Mascola, Kelly K. Lee, Gunilla B. Karlsson Hedestam, Richard T. Wyatt, Marie Pancera

Side and top view of (A) D11A.B5 (magenta), (B) D15.SD7 (blue), and (C) D19.PA8 (orange) epitopes as defined in the crystal structures; residues showing interactions with the trimer that are not ordered/included in the crystal structures are shown in black. (D) Sequence of 16055 gp120 listing residues present/ordered in the crystal structures. Residues within 5Å of the mAbs are shown with asterisks underneath the sequence, residues modeled to interact with the trimer that are absent or disordered in the crystal structures are indicated with a grey # while those present in the crystal structures but only show modeled interactions to the trimer are shown in red #.

