pgen.1011115.g002.tif (427.91 kB)

Sugar-sensing TrmB homologs.

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posted on 2024-01-16, 18:29 authored by Rylee K. Hackley, Angie Vreugdenhil-Hayslette, Cynthia L. Darnell, Amy K. Schmid

A) Phylogenetic distribution of TrmB proteins that also contain a carbohydrate-binding domain. B) Multiple sequence alignment of the sugar-binding domain of Har. hispanica TrmB homologs. Red, underlined residues are essential for sugar binding in Tcc. litoralis, conserved residues are in bold underline [73, 74]. Asterisks below the alignment denote identical residues and dots represent similar residues. Organism abbreviations and locus tags are as follows: TLI_TRMB, Tcc. litoralis OCC_03542; PFU_TRMBL1, Pyr. furiosus PF0124; TKO_TGR, Tcc. kodakaraensis TK1769; HBT_TRMB, Hbt. salinarum VNG_1451C. Har. hispanica TrmB homologs are named according to their identity to characterized proteins.
