pone.0291007.g003.tif (1.48 MB)

Study set up in Center 2.

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posted on 2023-11-08, 18:26 authored by Elisabeth Sartoretti, Selina Largiadèr, Thomas Sartoretti, Simin Laures, Martin Alexander Walter, Eva Monti, Ina Füchsel, Mira Dettling, Stephan Pfister, Peter Dubsky, Alexander Ort, Sabine Sartoretti-Schefer, Matthias Meissnitzer, Klaus Hergan, Rosemarie Forstner, Simon Matoori, Rasmus Bech- Hohenberger, John M. Froehlich, Tino Plümecke, Dorothee Harder, Dow Mu Koh, Andreas Gutzeit

In Center 2, female participants were managed exclusively by male radiologists. Before starting with ultrasound examination, participants were asked, if it was okay for them as female patients to be examined by a male radiologist. No woman refused to be examined by a male radiologist in our study, although there would have always been an alternate female radiologist available.
