pone.0297520.g003.tif (723.02 kB)

Study protocol.

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posted on 2024-01-30, 18:27 authored by Jose Danilo Bengzon Diestro, Robert Fahed, Anass Benomar, Abdelsimar T. Omar II, Vitor Mendes Pereira, Julian Spears, Thomas R. Marotta, Pascal Djiadeu, Sunjay Sharma, Forough Farrokhyar

A patient with emergent large vessel ischemic stroke (ELVIS) will be presented to the raters with either of the two neuroimaging protocols: perfusion computed tomography (CT) neuroimaging protocol (non-contrast cranial CT scan (NCCT), computed tomography angiography (CTA), automated perfusion imaging) or non-perfusion CT neuroimaging protocol (NCCT and CTA only). Based on clinical and radiologic details the rater will then decide whether to recommend for or against EVT. (Created with
