pmed.1004097.g001.tif (580.91 kB)

Study flow chart showing study design and the attrition of participants at each step of the analysis.

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posted on 2022-09-12, 19:08 authored by Jean de Dieu Tapsoba, Jane Cover, Christopher Obong’o, Martha Brady, Tim R. Cressey, Kira Mori, Gordon Okomo, Edward Kariithi, Rael Obanda, Daniel Oluoch-Madiang, Ying Qing Chen, Paul Drain, Ann Duerr

Most (246/302, 81%) AGYW interviewed at follow-up had attended at least 1 PrEP dispensation visit between the 2 interviews. Fifty-six had no record of attendance at interim PrEP refill visits, including 21 of the 197 AGYW who reported they were continuing PrEP. This left 176 of the AGYW who attended Interview 2 who met our definition of PrEP persistence (176/302, 58.3%, [95% CI 52.7–63.8] (Figs 1 and 2A and Table A in S1 Table). AGYW, adolescent girls and young women; CI, confidence interval; DBS, dried blood spot; PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis.
