pntd.0011908.g001.tif (1.3 MB)

Study area.

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posted on 2024-01-18, 18:41 authored by Andrea López-Rosero, Rachel Sippy, Anna M. Stewart-Ibarra, Sadie J. Ryan, Erin Mordecai, Froilán Heras, Efraín Beltrán, Jaime A. Costales, Marco Neira

The country map on the right shows the location of El Oro province (dark green area) within Ecuador (light green area). Inset on the left corresponds to the area shaded in pink on the country map. The cities where this study took place are marked with orange dots and labelled on the inset. Areas colored in grey correspond to neighboring countries. Basemap source: OpenStreetMap ( Administrative boundaries shapefile source: The Humanitarian Data Exchange (
