pone.0300541.g006.tif (1.96 MB)

Structural comparison between E. coli and C. acetobutylicum GDHs.

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posted on 2024-03-14, 17:31 authored by Taein Park, Jung Youn Kang, Minwoo Jin, Jihyeong Yang, Hyunwoo Kim, Chaemin Noh, Che-Hun Jung, Soo Hyun Eom

(A) Structural superposition of Mol-As of the GDH structures from E. coli (GDHNAD∙Gly) and C. acetobutylicum (PDB: 1TA9) colored orange and green, respectively. The three octameric interfaces of GDH are marked as black circles. (B-D) Stereo views (wall-eye) of the three octameric interfaces of the superimposed structure in (A). For E. coli GDH, neighboring protomers are presented together with transparency, and the residues participating in the interface interactions are shown in stick as in Fig 5B. The residues corresponding to the interface residues in C. acetobutylicum GDH and E. coli GDH are shown together.
