pone.0295142.g005.tif (723.88 kB)

Sternberg’s working memory task.

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posted on 2024-03-13, 17:28 authored by Alfonso Fajardo-Valdez, Vicente Camacho-Téllez, Raúl Rodríguez-Cruces, María Luisa García-Gomar, Erick Humberto Pasaye, Luis Concha

A) Correct answers and reaction time (mean and standard error) as a function of memory load and its correlation with WMI derived from cognitive batteries. B) Group-level fMRI activation (controls and patients) during retention phase. Statistical map is shown referenced to the seizure onset hemisphere (I: ipsilateral; C: contralateral). C) Significant between-group voxelwise differences on fMRI activation during retention phase. Asterisks indicate pFDR < 0.05.
