pone.0240765.s001.tif (593.77 kB)

Steps on cell segmentation for phase-contrast images of BT-474 breast cancer cell lines.

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posted on 2021-07-13, 17:25 authored by Jianchen Yang, Jack Virostko, David A. Hormuth II, Junyan Liu, Amy Brock, Jeanne Kowalski, Thomas E. Yankeelov

The size of the whole well image is 2400 x 2400 pixels. Here we present a window of 400 x 400 pixels from an example image. Panel A: raw image of BT-474 cells; Panel B: image post ‘colfilt’; Panel C: image post the Gaussian filter; Panel D: image post ‘im2bw’; Panel E: image post ‘imerode’; Panel F: image post ‘imclose’; Panel G: image post ‘imopen’; Panel H: image post ‘bwareaopen’, the final cell mask; Panel I: overlay of raw image and the cell mask for BT-474 cells.

