pone.0279912.s002.tif (277.72 kB)

StarD7 knockdown does not alter mitochondrial ROS levels nor the Δψm.

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posted on 2022-12-30, 18:57 authored by Mariano Cruz Del Puerto, María Laura Rojas, Ana Cristina Racca, Lucille Tihomirova Kourdova, Andrea Lis Miranda, Graciela Panzetta-Dutari, Susana Genti-Raimondi, Jésica Belén Flores-Martín

(A) MitoSOX Red was used to measure mitochondrial ROS in shD7 and shC cells. NC: unlabeled shC cells. The Histogram in the top panel depicts one representative of three independent experiments and the bar graph in the bottom panel shows the mean fluorescence intensity (mean ± SEM) relative to control defined as 100%. Statistical significance was evaluated by one-sample t-test. (B) JC-1 iodide dye was used to measure Δψm in shD7 and shC cells by flow cytometry in three independent experiments. One representative experiment is shown. Negative (non-stained cells) and positive (cells treated with 50 μM CCCP) controls were included in each experiment and are shown in the top panels.

