pone.0296472.g002.tif (795.92 kB)

Spatial and temporal distribution of E gene and NS3 gene genotypes.

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posted on 2024-02-07, 18:34 authored by Marina Sidorenko, Jana Radzijevskaja, Saulius Mickevičius, Maksim Bratchikov, Dalytė Mardosaitė-Busaitienė, Povilas Sakalauskas, Algimantas Paulauskas

In panels (A) and (B), spatial maps showcase the distribution of tested samples coloured according to their respective genotypes for the E and NS3 genes. The names of the counties are indicated on the map. To prevent overlap, samples are jittered within a range of ±15 km in both x and y directions. (C) presents the temporal distribution of E and NS3 gene genotypes, represented by circles for E gene samples and triangles for NS3 gene samples. The base map was created with Natural Earth Dataset (
