pone.0258721.g004.tif (482.88 kB)

Sobol indices for functionals quantifying the time-to-peak of the current drop and its overshoot.

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posted on 2021-10-28, 17:33 authored by Colin Klaus, Giovanni Caruso, Vsevolod V. Gurevich, Heidi E. Hamm, Clint L. Makino, Emmanuele DiBenedetto

Blue bars define a 90% confidence interval (100,000 samples). Plots show the eight most influential parameters. Confidence intervals could be off-center of the estimated Sobol index, because the indices were ratios of two Monte Carlo estimated quantities. (a) Single sensitivity indices for the time-to-peak. (b) Total sensitivity indices for the time-to-peak. (c) Single sensitivity indices for the overshoot. (d) Total sensitivity indices for the overshoot.
