pone.0258721.g003.tif (441.5 kB)

Sobol indices for functionals quantifying the drop in current due to flash response, the rms error between simulation and experiment, and the dark current.

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posted on 2021-10-28, 17:33 authored by Colin Klaus, Giovanni Caruso, Vsevolod V. Gurevich, Heidi E. Hamm, Clint L. Makino, Emmanuele DiBenedetto

Blue bars define a 90% confidence interval (100,000 samples). Plots show the eight most influential parameters. Confidence intervals could be off-center of the estimated Sobol index, because the indices were ratios of two Monte Carlo estimated quantities. (a) Single sensitivity indices for the current drop. (b) Total sensitivity indices for the current drop. (c) Total sensitivity indices for the rms error between model prediction and experiment. (d) Total sensitivity indices for the circulating dark current.
