pone.0266586.g002.tif (1.67 MB)

Single subject EEG data flow.

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posted on 2023-12-21, 18:27 authored by Dylan B. Snyder, Scott A. Beardsley, Allison S. Hyngstrom, Brian D. Schmit

Diagram of EEG data flow for artefact removal via ICA, and the tracking period beta band ERD and tb-SCORCH analyses for a single stroke participant (S8). After preprocessing, EEG data was standardized (z-score) and temporally concatenated across block, session, participant and group. The resulting matrix was then input into an ICA which output 64 independent temporal components. ICA components containing artefacts (eye blink, EMG and movement) were removed and the remaining components were transformed back to the EEG channel space where individual data were extracted. The tracking period beta band ERD averaged across epochs was thresholded at a z-score of two and tb-SCORCH topographic maps were displayed using the corresponding Fisher z-values. The hemisphere contralateral to the tested arm (paretic) was displayed on the left.
