pone.0250438.g001.tif (317.44 kB)

Serum BUN, serum PTH, and adenine kidney crystals in male and female adenine mice.

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posted on 2021-04-23, 17:44 authored by Corinne E. Metzger, Elizabeth A. Swallow, Alexander J. Stacy, Matthew R. Allen

A) Serum BUN was higher in both male and female adenine mice compared to sex-matched controls. B) Serum PTH was higher in adenine-induced CKD in both male and female mice compared to sex-matched controls. C) % kidney crystals present in adenine male and female mice from CT analysis. Control mice had no visible crystals. D) Representative images of kidney crystals in male and female adenine mice. Images represent values closest to the mean of each group. Error bars = standard deviation. *Indicates statistical difference (p<0.05) from t-test between control and adenine within each sex.
