pone.0262616.g001.tif (154.89 kB)

Sequencing outcome for four drug resistance genes between individual and pooled sequenced samples.

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posted on 2022-01-14, 18:26 authored by Swarnali Louha, Camelia Herman, Mansi Gupta, Dhruviben Patel, Julia Kelley, Je-Hoon M. OH, Janani Guru, Jean F. Lemoine, Michelle A. Chang, Udhayakumar Venkatachalam, Eric Rogier, Eldin Talundzic

Sequencing success (blue dot) or failure (orange dot) is determined by measuring the codon coverage of high-quality reads obtained. Sequencing method (individual vs pooled) is shown on the x axis and parasitemia levels (parasites/μL) are shown on the y axis. Individual sequenced samples = 100 total samples; same samples are pooled at 10:1 ratio = total of 10 sequenced sample pools.
