pone.0261170.g003.tif (2.17 MB)

Sequencing coverage plot across the targeted 12Mb region on chromosome Xq24-q27 for all 16 family members.

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posted on 2021-12-16, 18:49 authored by Pia Laine, William J. Rowell, Lars Paulin, Steve Kujawa, Denise Raterman, George Mayhew, Jennifer Wendt, Daniel L. Burgess, Timo Partonen, Tiina Paunio, Petri Auvinen, Jenny M. Ekholm

Each row represents the sequencing coverage for each family member separated by ID number. On the top, the chromosomal location is displayed and at the bottom, the genes and probe locations are shown. The red arrows indicate the locations of the three SVs that were highlighted in this study. The genes RBMX2 (ChrX:130,405,824–130,406,154) and F9 (ChrX:139,530,720–139,563,459) are not visible at this level of magnification.
