ppat.1009410.g003.tif (2.86 MB)

Secreted bacterial MPB70 contributes to MNGC formation in bMϕ.

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posted on 2021-03-15, 17:39 authored by Christophe J. Queval, Antony Fearns, Laure Botella, Alicia Smyth, Laura Schnettger, Morgane Mitermite, Esen Wooff, Bernardo Villarreal-Ramos, Waldo Garcia-Jimenez, Tiaan Heunis, Matthias Trost, Dirk Werling, Francisco J. Salguero, Stephen V. Gordon, Maximiliano G. Gutierrez

(A) Culture filtrate from Mbv wild-type (WT), Mbv ΔMPB70, Mbv ΔMPB70/MPB70 (Mbv-Compl.) were assessed for immuno-labelling of MPB70 (23 kDa). Immuno-labelling of Ag85 (38 kDa) was used as gel loading control (B) Fluorescence confocal images of bMϕ infected with Mbv WT, Mbv ΔMPB70, Mbv-Compl. for 24 h. Uninfected cells had been used as a negative control. Cell nuclei are stained with DAPI (cyan) and actin is visualized in grey. Yellow arrows point the multi-nucleated cells. Scale bar, 50 μm (C) Quantification of MNGCs from each experiment displayed in B. Graph represents the quantification of MNGCs for each condition tested where each dot represents one bovine donor. Data shown are representative of four biological repeats. (D) Fluorescence confocal images of bMϕ infected with Mbv WT, Mtb, Mtb-MPB70+ for 24 h. Uninfected cells had been used as a negative control. Cell nuclei were stained with DAPI (cyan); bacteria-RFP and actin are visualized in red and grey, respectively. Yellow arrows point the multi-nucleated cells. Scale bar, 50 μm (E) Quantification of MNGCs from each experiment displayed in D. Graph represents the quantification of MNGCs for each condition tested where each dot represents one bovine donor. Data shown are representative of two independent experiments.
