pone.0294729.g001.tif (902.96 kB)

Screening the lncRNAs related to DLBCL prognosis and survival.

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posted on 2023-11-21, 18:30 authored by Shengjuan Lu, Lin Zeng, Guojun Mo, Danqing Lei, Yuanhong Li, Guodi Ou, Hailian Wu, Jie Sun, Chao Rong, Sha He, Dani Zhong, Qing Ke, Qingmei Zhang, Xiaohong Tan, Hong Cen, Xiaoxun Xie, Chengcheng Liao

(A, B) Venn diagram of GSE10846 and GSE31312 datasets. (C) Forest diagram of DLBCL patients with good prognosis and low-risk lncRNAs. (D) Forest diagram of DLBCL patients with poor prognosis and high-risk lncRNAs.
