pbio.3002459.s001.tiff (544.29 kB)

Screening results using different dilutions of CMBs.

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posted on 2024-01-18, 18:40 authored by Martin Bonin, Antonia L. Irion, Anika Jürß, Sergi Pascual, Stefan Cord-Landwehr, Antoni Planas, Bruno M. Moerschbacher

The PesCDAnm as well as an empty vector control were subjected to the fluorescamine-based screening. Using 3 glucosamine standards (15 μM, 50 μM, and 100 μM), the concentration of free primary amines were calculated. As expected, the empty plasmid control shows values close to 0, whereas PesCDAnm shows an increasing amount of free primary amines formed with a decreasing dilution of CMBs. With a strong activity increase still being visible comparing the 1:10 to the 1:5 dilution, we settled on the 1:10 dilution assuming that the CMBs are saturated with enzymes. The results further show that with all dilutions less then 10% of the 500 μM A4 substrates were deacetylated. All values can be found in S1 Data.

