pone.0253912.g001.tif (324.29 kB)

Schematic structures of mouse protein kinase C delta (PKCδ) isoforms and genomic DNA.

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posted on 2021-07-01, 17:36 authored by Yuko S. Niino, Ikuo Kawashima, Yoshinobu Iguchi, Hiroaki Kanda, Kiyoshi Ogura, Kaoru Mita-Yoshida, Tomio Ono, Maya Yamazaki, Kenji Sakimura, Satomi Yogosawa, Kiyotsugu Yoshida, Seiji Shioda, Takaya Gotoh

(A) PKCδI and II cDNAs consist of variable domains V1, V2, V3, V4, and V5, and conserved domains C2-like, C1a, C1b, C3, and C4. The C1 regulatory domain contains two cysteine-rich zinc finger motifs. PKCδIV, V, VI, and VII consist of C1a, C1b, V3, C3/V4/C4, and V5 domains. Dark blue, DILD caspase-3 recognition site; light blue, 78 bp insertion in DILD caspase-3 recognition site; and yellow, specific exon for PKCδVI and VII [2022]. (B) Schematic structure of the PKCδ genome.
